Wednesday 17 December 2014

The Archers Sound Recording

The Archers recording

Crew & Cast Call Sheet

Crew & Cast Call Sheet

Paula Perez:


Alex Purvis


Louis Davis


Carl Fundrey


Richard Meredith 


All of these people will have to attend the event on both days as there are different kind of events happening on those two days and we will need all of them of be filming in different locations of the field and where the torch is being lit up.


Louis Davis


Carl Fundrey


Richard Meredith 


All of these people will have to attend the event on both days as there are different kind of events happening on those two days and we will need all of them of be filming in different locations of the field and where the torch is being lit up.

Monday 15 December 2014

Target Audience

Target Audience.

I'd say the story line of this documentary will be aiming at people over 16 as its quite an informative documentary about the World War 1 therefore it will attract an older audience.
Also the use of guns and some other weapons and props such as the gas mask are not appropriate for younger audience.  

Older people might be particularly interested in this documentary as they might be able to relate to the topic of this documentary or they just simply interested in the subject and the props used.

Stereotypically speaking, men are more likely to be interested in this kind of documentary than women as in the old days men were more dominant overall and specially when it came to War.

Initial Ideas - WW1 Huntingdon Remembers

Friday 12 December 2014

BBFC Letter


What is the BBFC?
BBFC stand for British Board of Films Classification. It is an organization that classifies cinema films such as the movie Sean of the Dead.

What does the BBFC regulate?
The BBFC regulates Video games and Films. The first example would be Sean of the Dead. Sean of the Dead was rated 15 because it has violence bad language and other 15 and older related content. The second example would be Grand Theft Auto. Grand Theft Auto is rated 18 because it contains sex, drugs, and other 18 and older content. 

Who funds/organizes it? 
The BBFC is funded by the film/game to give them a certificate for their film/game; once this is done they are able to show their film in the cinema. The organizers are the local authorities. 

What pays for film classification?
The producer pays for the film classification to allow their film to be shown in the cinema. Money from the film is used to buy the certificate. 

 Why do you think it was set up?
I believe the BBFC was set up because it protects young children from visual harm for example a 10-year-old watching an 18-year-old horror film containing blood and sex which is inappropriate, as they will not understand.

What do the different classifications mean?
The youngest certificate is U and the oldest certificate is 18+. 
A U film is suitable for viewers 4 and over. It cannot contain illegal drugs, blood, violence, sex, and other over PG content.

Unaccompanied children of any age may watch a PG film but should not disturb any children around 8 or older. It cannot contain any bad language unless approved by BBFC as historical or educational, no illegal drugs, sex, or bloody violence. No over PG content is allowed.


Exactly the same criteria are used to classify works at ‘12A’ and ‘12’.

12A is only used for cinema purposes. The ‘12’ category exists only for video works. No one younger than 12 may rent or buy a ‘12’ rated video work. Over 12 content is not allowed for example constant use of the F word is not permitted unless used mildly.

No one younger than 15 can see or buy/rent this video/game if certificated 15.
Drugs are allowed to be shown but must not show drug taking as a good thing. 
Sex can be used but not strongly.
Over 18 content is not permitted for example fluent use of swear words. 

No one younger than 18 may see this film or rent/buy if certificated 18 and over.
Any footage is permitted if the viewer chooses to watch the film.
Sexual nature can be very strong.
Law breaking can be shown.
Swear words can be used.


To be shown only in specially licensed cinemas, or supplied only in licensed sex shops, and to adults of not less than 18 years.

The BBFC gave Coraline a PG because it has various horror elements to it which may scare U rated viewers. They make their decision based on the length, frequency, and detail of the scary scenes. Sound can also change the certificate of a film, so that is taken into consideration as well. PG certificate is given to films which are for general viewing but can be unsuitable for young children. Coraline is a fantasy/animation and most children favourite this type of movie because they can relate to it.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Pitch For Huntingdon Remembers

I had a meeting with the film manager Richard Meredith to discuss the plan for the documentary. We met in the town hall office a week before the event. I came up with the an equipment list, times for my crew to shoot, and the order in which we would shoot it. The first thing we discussed was the order in which we would shoot. I came up with filming the British Army first, interview with cavalry, Austrians/Russians, Germans, then finally the sun set service. This was useful to have on hand because it kept the team busy. We came to the decision to spilt our 4 member team into two. Me (Louis) and Carl on one team, while Alex and Paula were on the other. Before the event we had a look at the location, and talked about establishing shots.

Monday 1 December 2014

Application Of Post Production Techniques (Video/Sound)

I used many video techniques during my projects editing stage. The first technique I used was to fade in/out the video for cutaways. The second technique I used was colour correct. I placed a colour correct effect on to one of my clips. By doing this, I was to change the contrast and brightness of the clip to make it more clearer. In the last picture I added 2 effects which lowered the frame rate. I also added an orange/brown tint. With both effects on, I was able to create the effect of an old film.

  •  I have also added Brightness & Contrast onto every single clip to correct it and make some things stand out ore depending on what I wanted to bring out the most. This gives the image a more outstanding look.

    • In this clip for example I have added the brightness & contrast effect again and played around with it until I believed it was the right tone. I have also added the Colour Balance and changed some colours up and down depending on what kind of tone I wanted. As you can see on Video 8 put a matte colour (brown) to give it a sepia effect then in Effect Control i changed the colour blend to 'colour' This gave the matte colour a more professional look to the actual footage and also it fitted the documentary as it gives it an old look and the documentary its about War,  

      • I named and organised all my files ad folders so it was be easier to locate and edit the final product. Naming files is important because it allows others to find a specific file quicker, it also helps with the editing process.

      • As you can see by the picture below, I have used multiple sound techniques to improve my documentary. I have duplicated the audio for George Carter so I could hear it clearer. The second Technique I used was the pen tool. With this tool I was able to fade in/out my audio at specific times. This was useful for the start, end, and cutaways.  

      • I've also added soundtracks such as flanders field, which plays in the background of the video. The soundtrack plays slightly under the audio of the sunset service, I did this by using the audio bands and fading the sound. I obtained all the songs from

      Application Of Post Production Techniques (Sound)

      As you can see by the picture below, I have used multiple sound techniques to improve my documentary. I have duplicated the audio for George Carter so I could hear it clearer. The second Technique I used was the pen tool. With this tool I was able to fade in/out my audio at specific times. This was useful for the start, end, and cutaways.  

      Monday 17 November 2014

      Second Rough Cut

      Things I need to do in order to improve my second rough cut:

      • Put some more interviews.
      • Fix the brightness and contrast of the clips.
      • Add some more footage which I still need.
      • Maybe add a voice over as a narration of the whole event.

      Rough Cut for my Documentary

      Things that I need to do in order to improve my documentary:

      • Add titles.
      • Add more actual footage.
      • Add more interviews.
      • Add more cutaways
      • Maybe replace the song for another one more suitable.
      • Add some more cutaways.
      • Go over the video and make sure the fading in and the fading out are playing exactly when i want them to be.
      • Check the sound levels to make sure some sounds aren't much louder than other sounds on the timeline, to make people jump.
      • Decrease the stay of the black screen before the woman playing the instrument by a second or half a second.
      • Add other titles such as names of the people being interviewed and who they are.
      • On the shot of 'Recruiting Only' add a brightness and contrast effect and fix it to make it look more professional, including some color effects to make some colours stand out more.


      List of possible questions used in our documentary:

      • What are you dressed as?
      • Why do you attend to this event?
      • How many times have you attended to this event?
      • Is this your music box?
      • How long have you had your music box for?
      • Are all these horses getting training?
      • Are they always the same horses?
      • Was this tent used in the war?
      • Do you perform in this event every year?
      • What do you think about this event?
      • What do you think about the location they have chosen for this event?
      • What would you normally eat during the war? and why?
      • What is it like working with horses?
      • What kind of training do they do?
      • Are you under pressure when it comes to dealing with horses?
      • Whats your favourite part of this event?
      • Is this the first time you attend this event? If so, will you attend next years one?

      Dates, Times And Locations

      We have arranged to shoot our documentary on the 28th and 29th of September which is when our event will take place.

      Location: Huntingdon
      Times: 9:00 am - 18:00pm
      Dates: 28th and 29th September

      Crew: Paula Perez, Louis Davis, Alex Purvis and Carl Fundrey.

      Equipment needed:

      - 3 DLSR Camera
      - Tripod
      - Microphone
      - 3 fully charged batteries
      - Battery charger
      - Spare batteries
      - Memory stick
      - SD Cards
      - Script
      - Call sheet

      Reece Report

      Location scouting and preparation:

      We contacted the council and our friend Richard to discuss the event and asked if we could have a meeting.
      We went to the meeting and discussed the event and what we needed to film and how long we would have to make the video which was 45minutes.
      We then attended to the event and made sure everyone was okay with being interviewed for the video the council wanted to make and for our documentary.

      Naturally they were more than happy to be in the dvd and our documentary so we had no problems with having people on our documentary.
      We then went to the other location where we were going to shoot the torch being light up the next day to get an idea of what the place looked like as none of us have been there before.

      When we got to the place we discussed where we were going to set up the cameras as the process of the torch being lit up will be quick and we wont have time to discuss it then and its not something we can film again as once its lit up they leave it until it consumes.

      • The location for this documentary was set on the left side of River Great Ouse.
      • The location for this documentary was set on the left side of River Great Ouse.

      Group Documentary Idea

      Title:         Huntingdon Remembers World War 1

      Log line:    They will remember.
                                           Synopsis:              It's a documentary about World War 1 in Huntingdon where we will show the germans, british, Austrians and russians get ready for war. You get to see the costumes, experience and weapons. You will be able to see how they lived and looked after themselves.

      Set Design

      I plan to only have two locations for the making of this documentary which will be in Huntingdon...
      This is because an important event takes place here every year in September therefore we will have to stick to the locations which they have already been chosen for the event instead of us, as film makers choose the location which simplifies our job.

      The first location is where most of the footage will be shot such as interviews, cutaways, choirs and so on. This is where we will meet the people such as men and women dressed up in their costumes and with their weapons and props.
      In the second location we will only shoot one clip which is when the torch is being lit up for the people who died in war.

      We will only use these location because they are the only two places which are related to the theme and storyline of this documentary.

      Target Audience

      I'd say the story line of this documentary will be aiming at people over 16 as its quite an informative documentary about the World War 1 therefore it will attract an older audience.
      Also the use of guns and some other weapons and props such as the gas mask are not appropriate for younger audience.  

      Older people might be particularly interested in this documentary as they might be able to relate to the topic of this documentary or they just simply interested in the subject and the props used.

      Stereotypically speaking, men are more likely to be interested in this kind of documentary than women as in the old days men were more dominant overall and specially when it came to War.

      Friday 26 September 2014

      Shot List

      University (The Plan)

      Firstly I will go straight into the reason for my documentary and have a graph showing the rise in price for Uni Fees. Once the viewer is hooked, I will introduce myself and why I relate to this documentary.

      I will focus on three close people, and ask them about their own personal experiences from Uni. I would get an in depth conversation and ask about why, and how they went through the progress of getting into Uni.

      Introduce the first person, preferably my brother. I will start with the simple questions, Why did you go? How much did it cost?, Did it benefit you? Second person will be introduced, start of with a personal question. Once the starter questions are out of the way, I can start to move on to more personal questions. The second person would preferably be Richard Meredith. Third and final person would either be my cousin Abby or someone who isn't going to go Uni. I will ask them the same basic questions, then move on to something more personal.

      I would then some up my interview and actually start to explain what I want to do in the future with Uni and so on. I would do a floating head shot of myself and talk towards the camera. I would use cutaways to what the person explains, e.g graduation photo's and maybe even videos.

      Monday 22 September 2014

      The Pitch Expansion

      University Fees
      - Questions to Students
      - Interviews with MP's
      - Injustice
      - How does it effect choices?
      - Fees
      - Historical
      - Going to go
      - 7 MP's
      - Personal Experience
      - Grants
      - Pubs

      Front Page Of The Script

      Working Title 
      Uni Fees & The Impact It Has

      Log Line
      The cost of Uni and if it has an effect on your decision to go.

      This documentary focuses on the cost of Uni Fees and the impact it has on your decision to go. It focuses on me (Louis) asking students if they will go to University or not. Does the cost effect the decision of the interviewer? What was the cost of University like in the past? Is there any point in going anymore? All these questions will have a huge impact on your life eventually, we will all have to make the decision. 

      Friday 19 September 2014

      Narrative Structure ans Story Diagram Structure

      The Difference between Narrative and Story
      The difference between narrative and story is that the story tells us what the movie is about while the narrative is how the movie is told for example, The Hobbit. The Hobbit is about one character named Bilbo who uses his undiscovered talents to help the dwarfs retain there home. The story is told through Bilbo eyes and experiences. 

      Linear Narrative and Non Linear Narrative
      An example of a linear narrative would be Doctor Who season 1 episode 1. We were introduced to Rose the new companion, then the enemy. Once the enemy was discovered the Dr came to the rescue. Each of these events happen after one another and are told as we see them. A non linear narrative structure is told like a back and fourth story, for example From Dusk Till Dawn 2014 series. The series starts

                                                            Linear Narrative Structure of Pulp Fiction

      Tuesday 16 September 2014

      My 6 Ideas Documentaries

      Life of an Identical Twin
      In this documentary we will follow the life of an identical twin (me). I would get my twin to interview me and then I would interview him. I would ask my friend who is a non identical twin and compare our life styles. I would use old home footage and footage from my close friends to show my childhood. If possible I would also do a test with some volunteers to see if they can tell the difference between me and my twin. 
      Someone I know
      Mr Gates
      In this documentary I would follow the interesting life of Mr William Gates. His family used to own the Cow and Gate milk company. I would go visit him in London and ask him for an interview. With this interview I would ask for old video footage of himself and his family. I Would use a combination of archive footage and interview footage to create my documentary. 

      Uni Fees
      In this Documentary I would discuss the problems of Uni Fees rising in price. I would go around Cambridge and ask those if they are going to Uni or not? I would do an interview process and add in information about previous Uni Fees and facts. I would ask the local MP about the situation and see if he would agree.

      WW1 Huntingdon Remembers
      WW1 Memorial Day. I would film the events going on around this day. Interview those fought in the war. I would use a lot of archive footage for this Documentary. Shots of actors playing the WW1 characters. Shots of different countries on Display.

      Hinchingbrooke House
      In this documentary I will talk about the history and making of Hinchingbrooke House. I will interview those who are working there and get their personal stories behind the house.
      I would use a lot of archive footage for this Documentary.
      Human Reaction
      In this documentary I would perform a test to see how people react in different ways.
      I would use a lot of archive footage for this Documentary to show past human reactions. This will be a test between females and males reactions speeds and how they actually act.

      Thursday 11 September 2014

      Documentaries We Watched

      Hungry For Change

      The documentary was told through people who have had trouble with diets and weight problems in the past. They used one to one interviews to tell us the man or woman's troubled life. The interviewers would tell us their life stories and troubles with fat's. They would tell us their methods and tips to help us. They also used scientists to tell the viewers the repercussions of fat's.

      Professional health consultants and health scientist would give you advice and guidance to help you prevent theses problems happening to you. They got interviews with previous overweight people and they told us how they beat the fat. The documentary had special guest cooks, for example Jamie Oliver who told us about healthy cooking and sugary fats.

      At the beginning they used a lot of questions and facts to compel the viewer to stay and watch the documentary. In the middle of the documentary they gave us comparisons of healthy food and processed food. At the end of the documentary the summed up all the questions and gave you solutions. Professional scientist and health fanatics give you specialist methods on how to maintain your health and lose weight.

      No extra sound effects where added to this documentary.

      They used a basic interview structure, for example a guy sitting in a room by himself. They used a simple close up shot when the guests started to speak. They would film extreme close ups of food and produce diagrams of what's in it to keep the viewer hooked.