Monday 1 December 2014

Application Of Post Production Techniques (Video/Sound)

I used many video techniques during my projects editing stage. The first technique I used was to fade in/out the video for cutaways. The second technique I used was colour correct. I placed a colour correct effect on to one of my clips. By doing this, I was to change the contrast and brightness of the clip to make it more clearer. In the last picture I added 2 effects which lowered the frame rate. I also added an orange/brown tint. With both effects on, I was able to create the effect of an old film.

  •  I have also added Brightness & Contrast onto every single clip to correct it and make some things stand out ore depending on what I wanted to bring out the most. This gives the image a more outstanding look.

    • In this clip for example I have added the brightness & contrast effect again and played around with it until I believed it was the right tone. I have also added the Colour Balance and changed some colours up and down depending on what kind of tone I wanted. As you can see on Video 8 put a matte colour (brown) to give it a sepia effect then in Effect Control i changed the colour blend to 'colour' This gave the matte colour a more professional look to the actual footage and also it fitted the documentary as it gives it an old look and the documentary its about War,  

      • I named and organised all my files ad folders so it was be easier to locate and edit the final product. Naming files is important because it allows others to find a specific file quicker, it also helps with the editing process.

      • As you can see by the picture below, I have used multiple sound techniques to improve my documentary. I have duplicated the audio for George Carter so I could hear it clearer. The second Technique I used was the pen tool. With this tool I was able to fade in/out my audio at specific times. This was useful for the start, end, and cutaways.  

      • I've also added soundtracks such as flanders field, which plays in the background of the video. The soundtrack plays slightly under the audio of the sunset service, I did this by using the audio bands and fading the sound. I obtained all the songs from

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