Monday 17 November 2014

Rough Cut for my Documentary

Things that I need to do in order to improve my documentary:

  • Add titles.
  • Add more actual footage.
  • Add more interviews.
  • Add more cutaways
  • Maybe replace the song for another one more suitable.
  • Add some more cutaways.
  • Go over the video and make sure the fading in and the fading out are playing exactly when i want them to be.
  • Check the sound levels to make sure some sounds aren't much louder than other sounds on the timeline, to make people jump.
  • Decrease the stay of the black screen before the woman playing the instrument by a second or half a second.
  • Add other titles such as names of the people being interviewed and who they are.
  • On the shot of 'Recruiting Only' add a brightness and contrast effect and fix it to make it look more professional, including some color effects to make some colours stand out more.

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