Friday 26 September 2014

University (The Plan)

Firstly I will go straight into the reason for my documentary and have a graph showing the rise in price for Uni Fees. Once the viewer is hooked, I will introduce myself and why I relate to this documentary.

I will focus on three close people, and ask them about their own personal experiences from Uni. I would get an in depth conversation and ask about why, and how they went through the progress of getting into Uni.

Introduce the first person, preferably my brother. I will start with the simple questions, Why did you go? How much did it cost?, Did it benefit you? Second person will be introduced, start of with a personal question. Once the starter questions are out of the way, I can start to move on to more personal questions. The second person would preferably be Richard Meredith. Third and final person would either be my cousin Abby or someone who isn't going to go Uni. I will ask them the same basic questions, then move on to something more personal.

I would then some up my interview and actually start to explain what I want to do in the future with Uni and so on. I would do a floating head shot of myself and talk towards the camera. I would use cutaways to what the person explains, e.g graduation photo's and maybe even videos.

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