Friday 19 September 2014

Narrative Structure ans Story Diagram Structure

The Difference between Narrative and Story
The difference between narrative and story is that the story tells us what the movie is about while the narrative is how the movie is told for example, The Hobbit. The Hobbit is about one character named Bilbo who uses his undiscovered talents to help the dwarfs retain there home. The story is told through Bilbo eyes and experiences. 

Linear Narrative and Non Linear Narrative
An example of a linear narrative would be Doctor Who season 1 episode 1. We were introduced to Rose the new companion, then the enemy. Once the enemy was discovered the Dr came to the rescue. Each of these events happen after one another and are told as we see them. A non linear narrative structure is told like a back and fourth story, for example From Dusk Till Dawn 2014 series. The series starts

                                                      Linear Narrative Structure of Pulp Fiction

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