Tuesday 16 June 2015


Documentary treatment

My documentary will be about World War 1. This is an event takes place in Huntingdon around September and its usually on for two days. There are always events happening in the field, tents, arena and so on. In this documentary you get to see British, Austrians, Russians and Germans soldiers shooting in the arena, soldiers riding horses and lots of interviews from people in the tents to find out what it is that they're doing to take part in this event to random people of the audience which came to visit the major event.

The man theme of this documentary its obviously War and History.

I'm hoping the documentary will be at least 6 minutes long.
It's common sense that the sepia effect gives any film an old film sense which is why i added the effect on some of the shots which i believe fitted with the storyline of the documentary. There's an interview with a lady in one of the tents which explains what happens to the soldiers when they are seriously hurt and how they are taken care of.

I thought this was a really interesting and unique event to film and make into a documentary as a lot of people will relate to the event. Quite a lot of people took part in this event and actually dressed up and were happy to be interviewed for this documentary along with the people who came to see it and enjoyed it. There were people from a really young age to an old age which was interesting. The event attracts different audiences as there are guns which will be more likely to attract men, either old or young and there were also horses which pretty much attracts kids.

If I was to film this again I would make sure i'd have a microphone shield as I didn't have one while we were out filming because we forgot and the sond was actually a huge problem when it came to editing the film as I didn't realise how windy it actually was and I should have remembered to bring it. I would also get some more cutaways and get more interviews as the sound went dodgy from many interviews and i could hardly use them all. Also make sure the microphone is not in the shot as it makes it look really unprofessional.

I would hope that this documentary gets shown in different kind of Film Festivals all around the world to have a wider variety of audiences.

The budget would be minimal as i wont have to pay for anything considering i can borrow the equipment and the event was free and no one expected to get paid for appearing on a documentary.
I'd pay for my own transport there but that's about it.

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