Monday 17 November 2014

Second Rough Cut

Things I need to do in order to improve my second rough cut:

  • Put some more interviews.
  • Fix the brightness and contrast of the clips.
  • Add some more footage which I still need.
  • Maybe add a voice over as a narration of the whole event.

Rough Cut for my Documentary

Things that I need to do in order to improve my documentary:

  • Add titles.
  • Add more actual footage.
  • Add more interviews.
  • Add more cutaways
  • Maybe replace the song for another one more suitable.
  • Add some more cutaways.
  • Go over the video and make sure the fading in and the fading out are playing exactly when i want them to be.
  • Check the sound levels to make sure some sounds aren't much louder than other sounds on the timeline, to make people jump.
  • Decrease the stay of the black screen before the woman playing the instrument by a second or half a second.
  • Add other titles such as names of the people being interviewed and who they are.
  • On the shot of 'Recruiting Only' add a brightness and contrast effect and fix it to make it look more professional, including some color effects to make some colours stand out more.


List of possible questions used in our documentary:

  • What are you dressed as?
  • Why do you attend to this event?
  • How many times have you attended to this event?
  • Is this your music box?
  • How long have you had your music box for?
  • Are all these horses getting training?
  • Are they always the same horses?
  • Was this tent used in the war?
  • Do you perform in this event every year?
  • What do you think about this event?
  • What do you think about the location they have chosen for this event?
  • What would you normally eat during the war? and why?
  • What is it like working with horses?
  • What kind of training do they do?
  • Are you under pressure when it comes to dealing with horses?
  • Whats your favourite part of this event?
  • Is this the first time you attend this event? If so, will you attend next years one?

Dates, Times And Locations

We have arranged to shoot our documentary on the 28th and 29th of September which is when our event will take place.

Location: Huntingdon
Times: 9:00 am - 18:00pm
Dates: 28th and 29th September

Crew: Paula Perez, Louis Davis, Alex Purvis and Carl Fundrey.

Equipment needed:

- 3 DLSR Camera
- Tripod
- Microphone
- 3 fully charged batteries
- Battery charger
- Spare batteries
- Memory stick
- SD Cards
- Script
- Call sheet

Reece Report

Location scouting and preparation:

We contacted the council and our friend Richard to discuss the event and asked if we could have a meeting.
We went to the meeting and discussed the event and what we needed to film and how long we would have to make the video which was 45minutes.
We then attended to the event and made sure everyone was okay with being interviewed for the video the council wanted to make and for our documentary.

Naturally they were more than happy to be in the dvd and our documentary so we had no problems with having people on our documentary.
We then went to the other location where we were going to shoot the torch being light up the next day to get an idea of what the place looked like as none of us have been there before.

When we got to the place we discussed where we were going to set up the cameras as the process of the torch being lit up will be quick and we wont have time to discuss it then and its not something we can film again as once its lit up they leave it until it consumes.

  • The location for this documentary was set on the left side of River Great Ouse.
  • The location for this documentary was set on the left side of River Great Ouse.

Group Documentary Idea

Title:         Huntingdon Remembers World War 1

Log line:    They will remember.
                                     Synopsis:              It's a documentary about World War 1 in Huntingdon where we will show the germans, british, Austrians and russians get ready for war. You get to see the costumes, experience and weapons. You will be able to see how they lived and looked after themselves.

Set Design

I plan to only have two locations for the making of this documentary which will be in Huntingdon...
This is because an important event takes place here every year in September therefore we will have to stick to the locations which they have already been chosen for the event instead of us, as film makers choose the location which simplifies our job.

The first location is where most of the footage will be shot such as interviews, cutaways, choirs and so on. This is where we will meet the people such as men and women dressed up in their costumes and with their weapons and props.
In the second location we will only shoot one clip which is when the torch is being lit up for the people who died in war.

We will only use these location because they are the only two places which are related to the theme and storyline of this documentary.

Target Audience

I'd say the story line of this documentary will be aiming at people over 16 as its quite an informative documentary about the World War 1 therefore it will attract an older audience.
Also the use of guns and some other weapons and props such as the gas mask are not appropriate for younger audience.  

Older people might be particularly interested in this documentary as they might be able to relate to the topic of this documentary or they just simply interested in the subject and the props used.

Stereotypically speaking, men are more likely to be interested in this kind of documentary than women as in the old days men were more dominant overall and specially when it came to War.